Monday, November 16, 2009

August 19, 2009

Hey everyone!!

How is everything going? Well I am sorry I did not write on Monday or yesterday but I have been pretty busy. Lets see on Sunday night as I guessed I got a phone call from the new assistant who told me that I was going to be changed. So all Sunday night I was washing clothes and packing in order to be ready to head to Lèon for a conference we had with Elder Christoferson. The conference was aweseom. TO be truthful he did not say anything that I was hopeing and praying he would, but he did say everything exactly that I needed to hear. So after that I headed off to my new area. It is a whole city and we are the only Elders. And wow wee it is in the middle of nowere. It is also if you want to look it up voted as the most polluted city in Mexico. Im hoping my lungs can get used to the air hear so close to the gas refinery.

As well as having this city we have a lot of small little villages that are close to us as well. So yesterday we drove out to one of these villages and baptized two little kids, who have been awesome in getting there dad active again!! I will try to send pictures next week as well. The font is great, because, well you will see!

My new companion is Elder Call and he will be heading home soon. I am the Señor companion wich I do not think that he liked to much because he will be heading home soon, and although I am not going to bring it up with him, he was one of the 6 Elders who went out on the little rondevue!

But the area is great! The compaonion is cool, and I feel good. I am still working on getting over the stomache problems and they are looking to be a lot better! I am not a leader rite now, but I liked it a lot today. We had to take a hour bus ride to go into the nearest city to have our district conference, and It was nice to just be asked what we can do to be better, and to give what I have learned. Who knows if the position will come again, but I think more than anything I have learned that the Position Of The Misionary, DOES NOT MAKE THE MISSIONARY!!

Ok one last thing, so after putting that money in I had 30 dollars left, but I could only pull out 20 because I did not want to go over in anyway again. Dad if you want go ahead and check it out on the bank online. Well my problem is this….. I had to pay 150 pasos to come here to my area on the bus, as well as 25 pasos to go to the district meeating. So I am sitting on about 25 pasos (2.50$) Rite now. I know it is a pain, but is there anyting you can send. I do not have any money for food or water rite now, and I do not get my money back from the busses for like 2 weeks. Sao if you could please let me know if there is anything you can do soon that would be great! Sorry again for all the money problems I realy wish I did not have to worry about it!

But I love you all very much! Please ask ben to email me, so that I have his email address again. I do not have it anymore, and I would like to through him a wave!

I love you all,

Elder Paul

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