Tuesday, August 11, 2009

August 10, 2009

Hey Everyone,

It is always crazy how much faster each week goes. So Just so everyone knows I am doing Way better. We found out a had a virus, bacteria, and parasites in my little tummy. So they started me on some pretty strong medacines. They just about killed me, haha they were very strong, andmake me dizzy. But I will be finishing them up in a few days, and i feel much much better!

We also had a very awesome this week as far as the work goes. We had a baptism just yesterday and one on Wednesday. The one yesterday realy pulled at my heart stings. It was a 11 year old kid. His mom died about 5 years ago, and his dad took of for United States, so he is living with his very old grandmother. At first he did not want much with us, but he is loving it all now, and even asked to be baptised in the like. I had the oppurtunity to baptise him, and wow was it COLD! but it was amazing because he said when he came out of the water, he felt very warm, and said he has never felt like it in his life!

We are also working with another lady. She had been working towards a baptism, until and Elder That I am having a few problems with came and talked to her. He told her that nothing matters except being baptised, and if she is baptised she can go to heaven! After this she said that we are the same as the baptist church and asked us not to come back. We saw her in front of her house the other day, and I noticed she was doing something with the fuse box for her house. I was able to help her get electricity back in her house and she invited us in. She told us that she wants to be a member, but she feels like she has a few things she wants to get in order in her life first. She also said one of her biggest problems is that all her neibors know her past and are always judging her. It was realy funny because a book I have not seen for years and years popped into my head. It was the book "You are Special" about the little wooden puppets. Well I found the book and after hours of pulling my hair out and lots of help from my companion I got it translated for her. (I will attach it at the end of this so Dad can tell me how I did translating it!!) Well we gave it to her and she was crying and said she would like us to program her baptism for in 2 weeks! It was realy great. And now all the members are asking for the storry.

Other than that I think there is a good chance I will be changing areas in the next week or so.

I finaly got my companion lifting with me! It is pretty funny, because we use the big water jugs filled with water. well we were doing a contast of seeing how long we could hold it above our head with two broom sticks as our handle. Lol I did two of the 20 liter jugs full, and after about 30 seconds the two broom sticks snapped, and I got a very cold shower along with all of our room! It was much funnier than im sure I am making it sound, Ill try to send you a picture of it sometime.

One last little request. Ok so I broke down and bought one new pair of pants at the walmart. They were about 20 dollars. As well as we bought our months worth of food. So I have about 10 dollars left from the 80 we are giving a month. My problem is, I am pretty sure I am going to get changed this week, and I will not beable to bring all the food with me! I am pleading that maybe you can put a little bit in myaccount so I can get food when I head off. And I promise I will try to make it last for a LONG time! Sorry, It always seems like money is an issue! Please forgive me!

I love you all, and hope you all know that you are always in my prayers!


Elder Paul

Here is "You are special" That I translated into spanish. Dad you will have to tell me how I did. And yes I used a spell check. (Just to remind you "you are special" is the book about the little wooden pupets who judge everyone by putting stickers on them)

Tú eres especial

Los Wemmicks eran gente pequeña hechas de madera. Todos estaban tallados por un artesano llamado Elí. Su taller formaba parte de una colina con vista a la villa. Cada wemmick era diferente. Unos tenían grandes narices, otros grandes ojos. Algunos eran altos y otros bajitos. Algunos usaban sombreros, otros abrigos. Pero todos eran construidos por el mismo artesano y vivían en una preciosa villa.

Todos los días, cada día, los wemmicks realizaban la misma tarea: se regalaban etiquetas unos a otros. Cada wemmick tenía una caja de etiquetas de estrellas doradas y una caja de etiquetas de puntos grises.

Al subir y bajar por las calles de la preciosa villa, la gente empleaba su tiempo en pegarse etiquetas de doradas estrellas o de puntos grises, unos a otros.

Los más hermosos, aquellos construidos con madera pulida y hermosos colores, siempre obtenían estrellas. Pero si la madera estaba áspera o la pintura desconchada, los wemmick pegaban etiquetas grises sobre ellas.

También los talentosos obtenían estrellas. Algunos podías levantar grandes garrotes sobre sus cabezas o saltar sobre cajas altísimas. Otros sabían decir bellas palabras o podían cantar canciones hermosas. Todo el mundo les otorgaba estrellas. Algunos estaban totalmente cubiertos de estrellas. Cada vez que ellos obtenían una estrella, ¡ los hacía sentirse tan bien! Esto los estimulaba a querer hacer algo más para alcanzar otra estrella.

Sin embargo, otros, hacían algunas cosas que a los demás no les agradaba, y obtenían puntos grises.

Ponchinelo era uno de esos. Él trataba de saltar como los demás, pero siempre caía. Cuando caía, los demás hacían una rueda alrededor de él y le daban puntos grises.

Algunas veces al caerse, su madera se raspaba, así que sus vecinos le daban más puntos grises. Entonces, cuando trataba de explicar la causa de su caída, de sus labios salía alguna tontería y los wemmicks le daban más puntos grises.

Después de un tiempo. Ponchinelo tuvo tantos puntos grises feos que no quería salir a la calle. Tenía mucho miedo de hacer algo estúpido como olvidar su sombrero o caminar en el agua, y que la gente le volviera a dar otro punto. La verdad es que tenía tal cantidad de puntos grises sobre él, que cualquiera se le acercaba y le añadía uno más sólo por gusto.

“Él merece montones de puntos”, comentaban la gente de madera, de acuerdo unos con otros. “Él no es buena persona de madera”, decían.

Después de un tiempo, Ponchinelo creyó lo que decían sus vecinos. “Yo no soy un buen wemmick”, decía. En poco tiempo, él salió a la calle y empezó a relacionarse con otros wemmicks que tenían un montón de puntos grises. Él se sintió mejor entre ellos.

Un día, él se encontró una wemmick que era diferente a cualquiera de las que siempre había conocido. No tenía puntos ni estrellas. Era puramente madera. Se llamaba Lucía. Esto no se debía a que sus vecinos no trataban de pegarle sus correspondientes etiquetas; sino a que las etiquetas no se pegaban a su madera.

Algunos wemmicks admiraban a Lucía por no tener puntos, de modo que corrían hacia ella y le daban una estrella. Pero la etiqueta no se pegaba. Otros no la tenían en cuenta al ver que ella no tenía estrellas, y le daban un punto. Pero tanto la estrella como el punto se despegaban.

“Yo quiero ser de esa madera”, pensó Ponchinelo. “No quiero marcas de nadie”. Así que le preguntó a la wemmick que no tenía etiquetas cómo ella había podido lograr tal cosa. -“Es muy fácil”, le contestó Lucía. “Todos los días voy a ver a Elí”.

-¿Elí?, preguntó Ponchinelo.

-“Sí, Elí. El artesano. Y me siento en el taller con él”.

-¿Por qué?, preguntó Ponchinelo.

–“Por qué no lo averiguas por ti mismo? Sube a la colina. Él está ahí” Y dicho esto la wemmick que no tenía etiquetas ni puntos dio la vuelta y se alejó dando salticos.

-“Pero, ¿querrá el artesano verme a mí?, le gritó Ponchinelo. Lucía no lo oyó.

Así que, Ponchinelo, regresó a casa. Se sentó cerca de la ventana y se puso a observar a la gente de madera cómo corrían de aquí para allá dándose estrellas o puntos unos a otros. - “Eso no es justo”, refunfuñó. Y decidió ir a ver a Elí.

Él se acercó al estrecho camino que iba a la cima de la colina y fue en dirección del taller grande. Al entrar allí, sus ojos se abrieron desmesuradamente ante las cosas que veía. El taburete era tan alto como él mismo. Tuvo que estirarse sobre la punta de sus pies para mirar la altura de la mesa de trabajo. Un martillo era tan largo como su brazo. Ponchinelo tragó saliva. “¡No voy a quedarme aquí!”, y se dio vuelta para salir.

Entonces oyó su nombre. -“¿Ponchinelo?”. La voz era fuerte y profunda.

Ponchinelo se detuvo. –“¡Ponchinelo! ¡Qué bueno que has venido! Ven y déjame mirarte”. Ponchinelo se volvió lentamente y vio la gran barba del artesano.

-¿Tú sabes mi nombre?”, preguntó el wemmick.

– “Por supuesto que lo sé. Yo te hice a ti”.

Elí se inclinó, recogió del suelo a Ponchinelo y lo colocó sobre la mesa de trabajo. “Hum”, dijo el artesano pensativamente mientras miraba los puntos grises.

-“Parece que has recibido marcas malas”.

– “No significa eso, de verdad, yo me esforcé mucho por no recibirlas, Elí”.

– “Oh, no tienes que defender tus acciones ante mí, muchacho. Yo no me preocupo por lo que los demás wemmick piensan”.

-“¿No te importa?”

– “No, y tú no deberías hacerlo tampoco. ¿Quiénes son ellos para dar estrellas o puntos? Son wemmick exactamente como tú. Lo que ellos piensan no importa, Ponchinelo. Lo único importante es lo que yo pienso. Y yo pienso que tú eres muy especial”.

Ponchinelo sonrió. - “¿Especial, yo? ¿Por qué? No puedo caminar aprisa. No puedo saltar. Mi pintura está desconchada. ¿Por qué soy importante para ti?”

Elí contempló a Ponchinelo, puso sus manos sobre sus hombros y le dijo: -“Porque eres mío”. Esa es la razón de que seas importante para mí”.

Ponchinelo nunca había tenido a alguien que lo viera de esa forma _mucho menos su creador. No sabía qué responder.

- “Cada día he estado esperando que tu vinieras”, explicó Elí.

- “Vine porque me encontré con alguien que no tenía marcas”, dijo Ponchinelo.

- “Lo sé. Ella me habló de ti”

-“Por qué las etiquetas no se pegan sobre ella?”

-“Porque ella decidió que lo que Yo pienso es más importante que lo que ellos piensan. Las etiquetas únicamente se pegan si tú permites que lo hagan”.


-“Las etiquetas sólo se pegan si son importantes para ti. Lo más importante es que confíes en mi amor, y dejes de preocuparte por sus etiquetas”.

-“No estoy seguro de haber comprendido”.

Elí sonrió. -“Lo vas a intentar: pero esto tomará tiempo. Tienes demasiadas marcas. Por ahora, sólo ven a verme todos los días y déjame recordarte cuanto te amo”.

Elí levantó a Ponchinelo de la mesa y lo puso en el suelo. Y cuando el wemmick salía por la puerta, le dijo:

-“Recuerda, tú eres especial porque yo te hice, y yo no cometo errores”.

Ponchinelo no se detuvo, pero en su corazón pensaba: “Eso explica por qué soy especial ante sus ojos”. Y al comprenderlo al fin, un feo punto gris cayó sobre la tierra.

August 3, 2009

A family preparing for baptism.

Me and Juliàn in the Lake.

Just after his baptism.

Very warn out on the drive home (I was very sick).

A really cool Batman van we found.

August 3, 2009


The Hottest Chili in Mexico (Chili of the seven soups) Pretty small I know!

After Eatch the Hottest Chili in Mexico! Even my eyes are smoking!

Elder Gray??? (Elder Paul's MTC Companion)

Making a new pillow! You would be proud mom I sowed it all by hand!

Washing clothes at a lake by hand! FUN STUFF!

August 3, 2009

Hey everyone!

Just to start out I am doing much better. I was very very sick from last SUnday until about Saturday. But I am now able to eat hard foods, and walk around alot more. I was also sent in last friday to have me "poop tests" Lets just say very very very aquard situation! Well I went in and got my test results today. It is a bit hard to read, and I will not have the official word till the Doctor travels down from Montery Mexico tomorrow, but from what my paper says it looks like it is a virus infeaction, a parasite, and some kind of cysts. That being said, please do not worry and call the President. I am sure he is going to call you in the next week or so to tell you all this over again, just figured I would give you the heads up!

Oh mom you asked how much weight I have lost. Well my new official weight is 223 pounds. And when I entered the MTC I was pushing 310 pounds. So I am at 87 pounds now! I just hope I can keep it all off when I get back.

So the last week or so has been REALY slow and I do not have much to fill you in on. But the week before we had another baptism. It was realy beautiful and the ward is growing way fast! It is great to be able to baptise people, and help them make that covanent with God. And it always does help me to remeber how many people are realy prepared to have the Gospel enter their lives and the lives of their families!

I am going to try and send some more pictures today, but I realy do not have many new ones to send I dont think. But I love you all, and cant wait to here from you all next week!


Elder Paul

August 3, 2009

thank you for your letter, it was very much needed. i want to thank you two and my parents for your support. But i especially want to thank you for your son. I mean he was dealing with all this AND he was sick. He truthfully has a diligence that i will never fully understand. Thank you for your letter, support and you son.

elder gray

August 1, 2009


Hey it is me. Just letting you all know im starting to get a bit better. Still have diahrea but i stopped throwing up! And I have started eating hard food again. I had some poop sample tests done yesterday so that should let me know if it is bacteria, a virus, or an infection that is causing such a bad stomache. I have also lost 10 more pounds!

I love you tons!

Elder Paul

July 28, 2009

Hey paul family,

it is elder gray, elder pauls friend and MTC companion. I am here to write today to let you know your son is all good, still cooking. I am here in the internet today with his companion because they couldnt write yesterday because elder paul was sick. Your son has got some stomach pains and threw up on sunday and monday morning. But actually is a lot better today. We called the president and got some medicine for him. He just cant walk around because he gets light headed. I am actually in the same district as elder paul so i came to help out. He asked me to write you guys real quick so you know that he is doing fine. Still his same goofy self.

Just know that i am here if you guys need anything, here is my email, and the number of my parents 907 225 3398 (it is in alaska) well yeah just know your son is a trooper and doing fine. And thanks for everything, without our parents we really would feel alone. thanks for everything and yeah i am sure your son will be live and kicking for tomorrow.


elder ryan gray

July 27, 2009

Hi everyone.

I am realy realy sick. I am sitting here on the computer and am covered in sweat. I will explain more what I have when I get over it. But for that reason I am going to have to go rite now, I will try to write in a few days.

I love you all, and do not worry, or worry about trying to call anyone!

I love you. And mom dont worry about it, you dont even have to ask forgivness!

I love you,

Elder Paul

July 20, 2009

Hey everyone!

It is me again! How is everyone and everything doing back at home. I have been veryy sick lattly. You see last Sunday I ate a chili that is called the CHili of seven soups. Because you can make seven pots of soups with this one very very tiny chili. Well it realy was not as bad as I imagined it being. Do not get me wrong, I was pretty teared up. But you see in the night time I ended up getting very very sick and have been since SUnday night. It is not too fun at all. I have to find a bathroom somewere about every hour or so.

Mom and Dad just so you know I did call Pres Coxes wife on Tuesday. And they told me just to start taking imodium. ANd then I realized on thursday I was out and did not have any money. That is why I wrote home to mom. I hope Dad you can find out what is up with the account, and why money is disapearing, and let me know if it is something that I am doing wrong.

How are all my brothers and sisters doing? What is everyone up to? Heidi said the pool got ruined, what happened? It is weird to think it was about a year ago that I was back there fixing the pool with dad isnt it?

Well things besides being so sick are going good, in my area. We had another baptism this last week in the lake. We tried to do it in the baptismal font in the church, but when the water came out, it was a weird greenish brown color. So we will be trying to get that cleaned up and fixed this next week, to be ready to baptise some kids next week. And do not worry, We have baptised quite a few people in this area, but everyone of them have not missed a week in church yet, and are happy as can be!THey love being here, and are just so so happy!

This man who was baptised this last Friday, used to be a very strong alcholic. And liked to smoke alot too. He could go weeks at a time being drunk out of his mind. Well with the help of this gospel, and his big heart, he now has about a month and a half with no alchol or tabaco, and says all though he has urges at times, he always knows he can pick up the book of mormon and start reading. (Just a nice peace of information on the side. It has been proven that people with addictions to anything, when they have that temptation, if they can not play with it in there head, and can restrain for 5 minutes, there mind will move past it) NIce to know ehh!

Well I love you all and thank you for all the prayers and fasting,. I know maybe everyone might not know why it is so needed, but it realy is, and thank you!

I love you all,

Elder Paul

July 6, 2009

Hey everyone,

Well I just was writing a huge letter to you guys when my computer shut off. SO I guess I am going to have to start again. Well lets see, Well it is the end of another set of changes again: it is crazy how fast they are are going. Each one gets faster and faster. I only have 9 more left in my mission! I didnt get a change, but I am one of the district leaders now. I keep being sent all over the city to help get all the areas going.

Well here we go for my favorite story this week. We were eating with one of the hermanas, and she was saying how excited she is for my piano lessons starting this Tuesday. She told me she had an old organ that she has always wanted to get working, she had taken it into a shop and they told her it would be aobut a thousand dollars. Well I took it all the way apart. Good news I understand how an organ works, and it took me about 2 hours, But i fixed the broken pedels, A torn trace on the circuit board, and the volume switch. Well it is fixed, and works great! Kinda reminded me how much I lvoe finding out how things work, and how to fix them! It was great!

Well this week has been pretty slow as far as our area goes. We have been working in other areas all week long, but we are going to be having 2 baptisms this weekend in the Lake again., and they have asked me to baptise them.

Other than that there is not much more to write about rite now. but I will definatly start writing down things so I have more tings to talk about next week. Oh, one more thing, Elder Gray my friend from the MTC is going to be coming to my area again. SO that will be realy cool to be with him again.

I love you all,

Elder Paul

June 26, 2009

Hey everyone,

It me again. Well to tell the truth I dont have too much to write about this week. It was not too eventful this week. But I will do my best.

Well we baptised the lady in the lake last week, and her daughter and grandaguhter are preparing to be married. But we just found out that she is not married. So we are going to have to wait a week until she is married ligally to do her baptism. So that will be awesome. We are also working with someone else who just got out of jail. He got in trouble for trying to free his mom from prison, and he ended up with 7 years. He is now 24 and does not want a live like that anymore. He is going to be baptised this coming Tuesday.

Besides that I realy dont have much that I can write, and I have to go fill out alot of papers! SO this letter is going to be very short im sorry. But please everyone write me, and I will write a much bigger one next week!

Oh ya, so bad news. I was washing my basketball shoes the other day. We live on the third floor of our appartments. So I washed them and tied them onto the balcony to dry. Well some time during the day someone climbed up and cut off the laces and took the shoes. I still cant figure out how they did it.

And to make things even greater two days ago we got stoped by a gang. It usually is nothing, but these guys were a bit wacked in the head. They wanted my watch and my wallet. I was ready to fight them, but my comp told me in english just to do it. Well I handed them over. Luckily I didnt have my wallet, so that is good. THey just took the watch and like 20 bucks I had. Ha well dont worry at all mom, that hardly ever happens. The only hard part is that I dont have shoes now to exercise. I will be good to wait as long as you need. But if you and dad could send money some time that would be great. Im so sorry I keep needing money! And if you guys need to feel free to ebay some of my car sterio stuff to pay for it! I love you very much!

Also I need my glasses very badly. I am about halfway done reading Jesus the Christ but, I always have headaches afterwards! So if you can send those as weel that would be great! I love you mom!!

Elder Paul